Sighing and gazing wistfully into the horizon…

These behaviors are not just dramatic postures for star-crossed lovers anymore! Yes, it's true, this study from Scientific American details how vision and breathing, including <sighs>, work together to reduce feelings of stress or panic. During COVID many of us have increased screen time because of online meetings. The up close portrait view is similar … Continue reading Sighing and gazing wistfully into the horizon…

Why Walk & Talk?

Is sitting on the couch a requirement for good therapy? As we learn more about the mind-body connection, therapies that incorporate physical movement are gaining more and more attention. Walk & Talk sessions are one way to add physical movement to psychotherapy. Why is Walk & Talk helpful? Walking is generally considered beneficial for both … Continue reading Why Walk & Talk?

Old Dreams…New Year

Old Dreams....What to do with them?  It seems that most of our focus at year's end is setting intentions or even resolutions for the new year.  When these resolutions don't take hold we often get into a spiral of negative self-blame. Before moving toward new goals and setting resolutions, I think it's important to acknowledge … Continue reading Old Dreams…New Year

“I lost that person that I was, before all this.”

These words describe the impact of a non-death loss. We encounter so many losses throughout our lives, yet very few are actually acknowledged. Often, we may dismiss our own feelings about the loss because there seem to be more important, serious, or 'real' deaths happening that require our attention. In reality, it is just as … Continue reading “I lost that person that I was, before all this.”

Winter Blues? Tip #5

It's down to the bitter end, and yet the cold temperatures and overall rainy days might be really testing you at this point!  There is another option: Get Creative!  Draw, dance, drum, write, sculpt, sew, knit, collage, chisel, hammer, glue, paint, play pretend, prepare for Spring.   Look for new sources of inspiration from your own … Continue reading Winter Blues? Tip #5

Winter Blues? Tip #4: Appreciation

The gray skies are back in Atlanta today. Even though reduced sunlight and cold temperatures may be difficult to take, there are also many gifts of Winter. We recently witnessed a complete lunar eclipse--the night sky is more easily visible to us without the full leafy trees of Summer. (I know, I'm searching hard for … Continue reading Winter Blues? Tip #4: Appreciation